Brassicaceae Bioinformatics Platform

BBIP is a central platform to assist genomics and post-genomics programs developed on Brassicaceae by INRAE. It shares resources and standards critical to guarantee data integration and interoperability, and improves the coherence of the protocols set up by its various partners. Apart from giving access to the data, the main utility of BBIP is to settle an environment allowing a larger community to elaborate complex genomics analyses, browsing, mixing or crossing heterogeneous data.

The platform aims at developing particular treatments on a large panel of “omics” (e.g. genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, methylomics or proteogenomics) in strong collaboration with the GenScale team headed by Pierre Peterlongo, and Dyliss team headed by Olivier Dameron, both in INRIA/Irisa center in Rennes, France.

The team is part of the Genouest platform, an IBISA platform, member of IFB (French institute of bioinformatics) headed by Olivier Sallou at INRIA/Irisa center in Rennes.

Access to some of these resources is restricted. To create an account, use the BBIP registration form.