From Aureme Brassica napus
Revision as of 11:05, 9 October 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:reaction == Reaction ENOYL-COA-DELTA-ISOM-RXN == * ec-number: ** [http://enzyme.expasy.org/EC/ ec-] * direction: ** reversible * common-name: ** nil...")
- ec-number:
- direction:
- reversible
- common-name:
- nil
- synonymous:
- probable enoyl coa-hydratase/isomerase
- probable enoyl-coa hydratase/isomerase
Reaction formula
Gene(s) associated with this reaction
- Gene: BnaC05g45070D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA02g12140D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA05g30610D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC08g13270D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA03g29710D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC07g41660D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaCnng54360D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaCnng62430D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC01g09510D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA01g32550D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC04g28680D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC02g45280D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA01g07910D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA06g11400D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC03g34950D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA04g06040D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA09g02820D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA08g05310D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaA08g30740D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC07g45100D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC08g09570D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- Gene: BnaC07g13070D
- Category: annotation
- Source: genome, Tool: pathwaytools, Assignment: ec-number, Comment: n.a
- Category: annotation
- FAO-PWY, fatty acid β-oxidation I (generic):
- 7 reactions found over 7 reactions in the full pathway
- PWY-5137, fatty acid β-oxidation III (unsaturated, odd number):
- 1 reactions found over 1 reactions in the full pathway
Reconstruction information
- category: annotation; source: genome; tool: pathwaytools; comment: n.a
External links